28 September 2013
The National Constitutional
Assembly (NCA) meeting as a special Congress, in accordance with the provisions
of its constitution;
its founding and overriding objective of ensuring that this country is governed
under a new, democratic and people-driven constitution;
for the past 16 years, the goal of a new, democratic and people-driven
constitution has been consistently frustrated by a ruling political leadership
which has relied on state power and state resources to promote and defend an
undemocratic constitution;
this political system of abusing state power and state resources to deny the
people their right to write their own constitution reached its height during
the period 2009-2013 when ZANU(PF) received assistance from the MDC to continue
destroying the people`s hopes for a constitution by themselves and for their
own country;
the March 2013 referendum was a huge fraud where the people were cheated to
approve a ZANU(PF)/MDC document which is now claimed to be a “people`s
only the NCA carries the people`s hopes for a new, democratic and people-driven
REVIEWED the methods and strategies we have used as an organisation
in the past 16 years;
the political terrain has changed fundamentally and that new methods and
strategies have to be adopted in our continuing quest for a new, democratic and
people-driven constitution;
from its inception, and as reflected in its constitution, the NCA has always
been alive to the need to change its methods and strategies in pursuit of its
THEREFORE, the special congress resolves as follows:
1. That it is futile for the NCA to believe that any of the
current political parties will revisit the issue of a new constitution given
their self-fulfilling referendum of March 2013 and their subsequent
introduction of a new undemocratic constitution on 22 May 2013.
2. That it cannot make sense for the NCA to lobby politicians who
have taken leave of their responsibilities and failed to provide the people of
Zimbabwe with adequate public housing, health, clean and safe water, education,
public transport.
3. That in the light of 1 above, the current political, social
and economic environment calls upon the NCA to move from its current methods
and strategies of basic civic education, advocacy and lobbying to entering the
field of competing for political office so as to use any political space gained
thereby to pursue its goals of ushering a new, democratic and people-driven
4. That entry into the field of competing for political office requires
the NCA to expand its goals and attract more members.
5. That, with effect from this day of our Lord, 28 September
2013, the NCA incorporates the methods and strategies of competing for
political office in pursuit of its goals and for the removal of doubt, this
transforms the NCA into a political party.
6. That the transformation of the NCA into a political party,
which has taken effect from this day, 28 September 2013, requires certain
necessary changes to the structures and
leadership of the organisation.
7. That the current Taskforce continues in office until 31 March
2014 with the following responsibilities:
• Engaging all NCA members to make proposals on necessary
changes to the organisational structure in the light of the transformation to a
political party.
• Conducting membership consultations on the additional goals
of the organisation but being bound by the notion that the quest for a new,
democratic and people-driven constitution necessarily means ours is a
social-democratic movement with a pan-African outlook and with utmost respect
for the struggle of our people against colonialism and imperialism.
• Inviting new members.
• Working with like-minded organisations and creating
appropriate spaces for them in our structures.
• Convening a Congress before 31 March 2014 at which the
organisation`s new thrust as a political party will be launched and a new
leadership elected.
8. That in view of the added responsibilities of the Taskforce,
all persons who on this day, 28 September 2013, are members of regional
committees, are hereby elected into the
Taskforce. In addition, the Special Congress also elected members of the
planning committee into the Taskforce
and the full list of the interim Taskforce members will be made public at a
later date.
9. That we implement our long-standing resolution to pay
membership fees, the first such fees being due for the period ending 31
December, 2013.
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