Monday 18 February 2013

Take charge: Vote NO in the referendum

                    VOTE NO IN THE REFERENDUM
1.      This is not a democratic and people-driven constitution. A democratic constitution must be people-driven.
2.      This is a constitution being imposed on us by three political parties, yet the people are bigger than these three political parties.
3.      No political party or group of political parties must be allowed to give the country a constitution. A constitution must come from the people.
4.      It is not about what people wanted or said but about the selfish and personal interests of politicians. We need a constitution that will survive the test of time and not a deal for current politicians.
5.      Politicians spent 4 years and squandered over US$50 million to produce a constitution which is not good for the country but for themselves.
6.      If people say YES to a constitution being imposed by political parties, they will be giving away their power permanently and politicians will never respect the people and the country will not develop.
7.      A NO vote is the answer. It will allow people to write their own constitution after the elections through an INDEPENDENT CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSION.
8.      The constitution leaves all power in the President, who is allowed to do what he/she wants. Here are the powers of the President:
·         The President is head of state, head of government and commander in chief.(sec 89).
·         The powers of the President as head of state are unlimited.(sec 110(1)).
·         The president appoints all Ministers and Deputy Ministers on his/her own without the approval of Parliament.(sec 104).
·         There is no maximum limit on the number of Ministers and Deputy Ministers. It is up to the President.(sec 104).
·         The President alone constitutes the Cabinet.(sec105). The statement in the Draft Constitution saying the President exercises executive authority “through cabinet” has no value because the Cabinet is the President`s baby. All Cabinet Ministers are hired and fired by the President at his/her pleasure.
·         The President is allowed to appoint up to five Ministers from outside Parliament. This is bringing back appointed non constituency MPs. (sec 104(3)).
·         The President appoints all ambassadors without consulting anybody.(sec 204).
·         The President has the final say over the appointment of all permanent secretaries.(sec 205).
·         The President appoints all security chiefs (Army Commanders, Commissioner of Police, Director of CIO etc). In making these appointments, all the President is required to do is to consult one of his/her Ministers.(Chapter 11).
·         The President has the final say over the appointment of all judges. (sec 180). Although there is provision for interviews, the President has power to refuse to appoint any of those recommended and order the Judicial Service Commission to start afresh.
·         The President alone appoints the Attorney General(sec 114) and may fire him/her at any time (sec 115).
·         The President has the final say over the appointment of the Prosecutor-General (sec259).
·         The President has the final say over the appointment of all Commissions including the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission. (chapter 12).
·         The President approves salaries, allowances and benefits for all civil servants from the lowest to the highest worker. (sec203(4)). The President still has this power after appointing a Minister for the Public Service and the Civil Service Commission.
·           The President has power to dissolve Parliament if it refuses to pass his/her government`s budget.(sec 143(3)).
·         The President also has power to dissolve Parliament if it passes a vote of no confidence in his/her government. (sec 109(4)).
·         The Constitution does not impose a duty on the President to answer questions in Parliament. It leaves this to be decided by a future Parliament so that the political party controlling Parliament will shield the President from answering questions.(sec 140(3)).
·         The President has unlimited immunity while in office and is allowed to plead “good faith” after leaving office.(sec 98).
·         The President has power to declare war. The role of Parliament in this regard is useless.(sec 111).
·         The President has power to pardon his/her political allies. (sec 112).
·         The President has power to declare a state of emergency. (sec 113).
·         A person who has left office as President will receive a monthly salary (called a pension) equal to the salary of the sitting President.(sec 102(3)). This is for life.
9.      There are 2 Vice Presidents.(sec 92). We no longer need 2 Vice presidents in a new constitution. Further, a person who has left office as Vice President will continue to receive, for the rest of his/her life, a monthly salary(called a pension) equal to the salary of a sitting Vice President.(sec 102(3)).
10.  The size of Parliament has been increased to a total of 350 MPs( 270 National Assembly and 80 Senators).(sec 120 and 124). The number increases to 355MPs with the 5 Ministers appointed by the President. We have no resources for such a huge legislature. In 1980 there were 140MPs, in 1990 we had 150, in 2005 the number went up to 216 and in 2008 it became 303.
11.  The increase in the size of Parliament is coming from an additional 60 seats for women. For a woman to qualify for any of these seats, she has to be a member of a political party. There are no direct elections for the seats. The quota for female MPs should be taken out of the existing number of MPs without increasing the size of Parliament.
12.  Despite its huge size, Parliament remains very weak. It is just a talk shop. So why increase the number of MPs to join a talk shop. The political parties are just creating employment for their supporters at the expense of the people.
13.  There are no term limits for Members of Parliament.
14.  Except for the chapters on the Bill of Rights (chap 4) and Land(chap 16), this constitution can be amended by Parliament without a referendum.(sec 328). This means that all provisions including those on term limits will be amended by future Parliaments, thus maintaining the current problem where the constitution has been amended several times.
15.  For the next ten years, if the President resigns or dies, there are no by-elections for the President. The country is given a President by the political party of the former President, yet people elect a person and not a political party as President.( see paragraph 14, schedule 6). This means that if there are internal fights in the political party concerned, the country will have to go without a President until the political party sorts itself out. Is this not making political parties more important than the country? The issue of running mates which will apply after ten years did not come from the people.
16.  There is no devolution at all. There are very weak Provincial Councils composed of the same people who are in Parliament. MPs will have two jobs: the province and Parliament. The provincial Councils do not govern anything in the Province.(chapter 14).
17.  There is no provision compelling the State to allocate a specified minimum percentage of the nation`s revenue to deal with the needs of the poor. A people- driven constitution will allocate specific funding for food, health, education and water.
18.  Most rights in the Bill of rights are listed for decoration as there is no mechanism for their realisation.
19.  For workers, the right to strike is very restricted and will not be available, while government workers will continue to be subject to conditions of work different from those of other workers, such as with collective bargaining.
20.  There is no right to vote for Zimbabweans in the diaspora.
21.  The Zimbabwe Media Commission established by the constitution(sec 248) will be an instrument used by the state to undermine freedom of expression.
22.  The winner-take-all electoral system is still intact despite the demand by the people for a mixed electoral system, allowing proportional representation for half the MPs.
23.  The death penalty does not apply to all female murderers and males above 70 years. This is undesirable. If the death penalty is retained, it must not be applied in this discriminatory way. (sec 48).
24.  There are provisions which will apply after several years ranging from seven to ten years. Why have them in the constitution now? The idea is to have a constitution which will not affect the political leaders promoting this constitution. Some provisions will disappear after ten years.

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