Friday 6 December 2013

NCA pays tribute to Nelson Mandela

The National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) joins the people of South Africa, the African continent and the world in mourning the passing away of former South African President Cde Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.

 The world has lost a committed democrat and a leader who selflessly gave his life in full service to the people of South Africa. He set an example of virtuous and principled leadership even were the odds seemed to be against the struggle against colonialism, apartheid and imperialism.

His role on the African continent saw the coming to fruition of greater co-operation among African countries in seeking to resolve conflicts and sowed the seed for the establishment of the African Union.

The NCA further notes that Madiba also never reneged on the solidarity between peoples’ during the anti-apartheid struggle. Hence he was able to always acknowledge the roles of important countries and leaders that assisted South Africa to become independent.

We urge our fellow Africans in South Africa, on the African Continent,  in the African Diaspora to carry on from were Madiba has left and strive for, as he did, for full freedom in our lifetime.

Issued by: Professor Lovemore Madhuku

NCA Chairperson

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Who can join the NCA

Membership of the NCA is open to all Zimbabweans above the age of 14 years, irrespective of race, colour and creed, who accept its principles, policies and programmes and are prepared to abide by its Constitution and rules.
Rights and duties of members
An NCA member has the right to:

• Take a full and active part in the discussion, formulation and implementation of the policy of the NCA.
• Receive and impart information on all aspects of NCA policy and activities.
• Offer constructive criticism of any member, official, policy programme or activity of the NCA within its structures.
• Take part in elections and be elected or appointed to any committee, structure, commission or delegation of the NCA.
• Submit proposals or statements through the appropriate structures to the branch, constituency, province, or NEC.

An NCA member has a duty to:

• Belong to and take an active part in the life of his or her branch.
• Take all necessary steps to understand and carry out the aims, policy and programme of the NCA.
• Explain the aims, policy and programme of the NCA to the people.
• Deepen his or her understanding of the social, cultural, political and economic problems of the country.
• Combat propaganda detrimental to the interests of the NCA and defend the policy, aims and programme of the NCA.
• Fight against racism, tribal chauvinism, sexism, religious and political intolerance or any other form of discrimination or chauvinism.
• Observe discipline, behave honestly and carry out loyally decisions of the majority and decisions of higher bodies.
• Inform his or her branch of movement to any other area and report to the branch committee secretary on arriving at any new area.
• Refrain from publishing and/or distributing any media without authorisation which purports to be the view of any organised grouping, faction or tendency within the NCA.
• All members shall ensure that they are registered as voters in the constituency where they live.

How to join the NCA

To join the NCA:

Contact the Secretary of your nearest NCA branch. The appropriate NCA Provincial or Regional Office can assist you with the name and contact details of the branch.
Complete the membership application form and post, hand-in, or email it to the membership officer in your province or the National Office. together with the membership fee of $2.00 without a membership card.($5 total with membership card)

NOTE: Branches/individuals should utilise the NCA EcoCash ACCOUNT-BILLER CODE Number 46520 to deposit membership fee.

On application, an acknowledgement of provisional membership will be sent to you together with any available information about your branch.

Applications for membership are considered by the branch executive committee, the constituency executive committee or any other appropriate structures.

A membership card will then be issued.

For more information contact National Director of Information and Publicity, Blessing Vava at, Cell: +263 773 022 456
Twitter @NcaParty
Facebook page-National Constitutional Assembly

The current annual NCA Membership Fee is US5.00

In addition to the annual Membership Fee, you are invited to make a donation to the NCA in support of its work, using EcoCash Biller Code 46520.
The Peoples Party!!!

Wednesday 2 October 2013

NCA Statement on proposed pre-paid water metres

NCA Press Release
2 October
NCA Statement on proposed pre-paid water metres

The National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) rejects the publicised intention by the MDC-T run Harare City Council in tandem with the Zanu Pf central government to introduce pre-paid water meters in the capital city by the end of the year.   The introduction of pre-paid meters is not only undemocratic but inimical to the enjoyment of the fundamental right of not only Harare residents but all Zimbabweans to access safe water.

While Greater Harare is already facing acute water shortages, prepaid water meters are not the solution to this problem. The real problem is the shortage of water and not the ability of residents to pay nominal charges for water that they utilize.  What is worrying is that instead of local authorities making sure that water is available, they now seek citizens to pay through the nose for dry taps.

Any implementation of the pre-paid water meters system is tantamount to the privatisation of a God-given natural resource such as water and must be totally rejected by residents of Harare and all Zimbabweans. The introduction of pre-paid water meters, in our view, is a form of privatisation and undemocratic commodification of what ought to be an essential publicly funded service.

The real challenges lie in the lack of completion of key projects such as the Kunzvi Dam project which has been lying idle in the Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Water and the Ministry of the Local Government. The HCC must not seek to pass on the costs of its failures to the poor residents and ratepayers of Harare who are in no way at fault for the water shortages that are prevalent.  Pre-paid water meters will in the end be similar in failure to the electricity meters which were introduced by ZESA. These pre-paid electricity meters have not eased the national electricity distribution crises. Instead, electricity is now scarcer than before.

The NCA urges all residents of Harare and those of other municipalities across Zimbabwe to refuse the implementation of prepaid water meters and insist on their right to clean water.

Madock Chivasa

On Behalf of the NCA 

Tuesday 1 October 2013


28 September 2013
The National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) meeting as a special Congress, in accordance with the provisions of its constitution;
COMMITTED to its founding and overriding objective of ensuring that this country is governed under a new, democratic and people-driven constitution;
REALISING that for the past 16 years, the goal of a new, democratic and people-driven constitution has been consistently frustrated by a ruling political leadership which has relied on state power and state resources to promote and defend an undemocratic constitution;
NOTING that this political system of abusing state power and state resources to deny the people their right to write their own constitution reached its height during the period 2009-2013 when ZANU(PF) received assistance from the MDC to continue destroying the people`s hopes for a constitution by themselves and for their own country;
CONVINCED that the March 2013 referendum was a huge fraud where the people were cheated to approve a ZANU(PF)/MDC document which is now claimed to be a “people`s constitution”
KNOWING that only the NCA carries the people`s hopes for a new, democratic and people-driven constitution;
HAVING REVIEWED the methods and strategies we have used as an organisation in the past 16 years;
CONCLUDING that the political terrain has changed fundamentally and that new methods and strategies have to be adopted in our continuing quest for a new, democratic and people-driven constitution;
NOTING that from its inception, and as reflected in its constitution, the NCA has always been alive to the need to change its methods and strategies in pursuit of its goals;
NOW THEREFORE, the special congress resolves as follows:
1.       That it is futile for the NCA to believe that any of the current political parties will revisit the issue of a new constitution given their self-fulfilling referendum of March 2013 and their subsequent introduction of a new undemocratic constitution on 22 May 2013.
2.       That it cannot make sense for the NCA to lobby politicians who have taken leave of their responsibilities and failed to provide the people of Zimbabwe with adequate public housing, health, clean and safe water, education, public transport.
3.       That in the light of 1 above, the current political, social and economic environment calls upon the NCA to move from its current methods and strategies of basic civic education, advocacy and lobbying to entering the field of competing for political office so as to use any political space gained thereby to pursue its goals of ushering a new, democratic and people-driven constitution.
4.       That entry into the field of competing for political office requires the NCA to expand its goals and attract more members.
5.       That, with effect from this day of our Lord, 28 September 2013, the NCA incorporates the methods and strategies of competing for political office in pursuit of its goals and for the removal of doubt, this transforms the NCA into a political party.
6.       That the transformation of the NCA into a political party, which has taken effect from this day, 28 September 2013, requires certain necessary changes to the  structures and leadership of the organisation.
7.       That the current Taskforce continues in office until 31 March 2014 with the following responsibilities:
        Engaging all NCA members to make proposals on necessary changes to the organisational structure in the light of the transformation to a political party.
        Conducting membership consultations on the additional goals of the organisation but being bound by the notion that the quest for a new, democratic and people-driven constitution necessarily means ours is a social-democratic movement with a pan-African outlook and with utmost respect for the struggle of our people against colonialism and imperialism.
        Inviting new members.
        Working with like-minded organisations and creating appropriate spaces for them in our structures.
        Convening a Congress before 31 March 2014 at which the organisation`s new thrust as a political party will be launched and a new leadership elected.
8.       That in view of the added responsibilities of the Taskforce, all persons who on this day, 28 September 2013, are members of regional committees,  are hereby elected into the Taskforce. In addition, the Special Congress also elected members of the planning committee   into the Taskforce and the full list of the interim Taskforce members will be made public at a later date.
9.       That we implement our long-standing resolution to pay membership fees, the first such fees being due for the period ending 31 December, 2013.


28 September 2013
The National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) meeting as a special Congress, in accordance with the provisions of its constitution;
COMMITTED to its founding and overriding objective of ensuring that this country is governed under a new, democratic and people-driven constitution;
REALISING that for the past 16 years, the goal of a new, democratic and people-driven constitution has been consistently frustrated by a ruling political leadership which has relied on state power and state resources to promote and defend an undemocratic constitution;
NOTING that this political system of abusing state power and state resources to deny the people their right to write their own constitution reached its height during the period 2009-2013 when ZANU(PF) received assistance from the MDC to continue destroying the people`s hopes for a constitution by themselves and for their own country;
CONVINCED that the March 2013 referendum was a huge fraud where the people were cheated to approve a ZANU(PF)/MDC document which is now claimed to be a “people`s constitution”
KNOWING that only the NCA carries the people`s hopes for a new, democratic and people-driven constitution;
HAVING REVIEWED the methods and strategies we have used as an organisation in the past 16 years;
CONCLUDING that the political terrain has changed fundamentally and that new methods and strategies have to be adopted in our continuing quest for a new, democratic and people-driven constitution;
NOTING that from its inception, and as reflected in its constitution, the NCA has always been alive to the need to change its methods and strategies in pursuit of its goals;
NOW THEREFORE, the special congress resolves as follows:
1.       That it is futile for the NCA to believe that any of the current political parties will revisit the issue of a new constitution given their self-fulfilling referendum of March 2013 and their subsequent introduction of a new undemocratic constitution on 22 May 2013.
2.       That it cannot make sense for the NCA to lobby politicians who have taken leave of their responsibilities and failed to provide the people of Zimbabwe with adequate public housing, health, clean and safe water, education, public transport.
3.       That in the light of 1 above, the current political, social and economic environment calls upon the NCA to move from its current methods and strategies of basic civic education, advocacy and lobbying to entering the field of competing for political office so as to use any political space gained thereby to pursue its goals of ushering a new, democratic and people-driven constitution.
4.       That entry into the field of competing for political office requires the NCA to expand its goals and attract more members.
5.       That, with effect from this day of our Lord, 28 September 2013, the NCA incorporates the methods and strategies of competing for political office in pursuit of its goals and for the removal of doubt, this transforms the NCA into a political party.
6.       That the transformation of the NCA into a political party, which has taken effect from this day, 28 September 2013, requires certain necessary changes to the  structures and leadership of the organisation.
7.       That the current Taskforce continues in office until 31 March 2014 with the following responsibilities:
        Engaging all NCA members to make proposals on necessary changes to the organisational structure in the light of the transformation to a political party.
        Conducting membership consultations on the additional goals of the organisation but being bound by the notion that the quest for a new, democratic and people-driven constitution necessarily means ours is a social-democratic movement with a pan-African outlook and with utmost respect for the struggle of our people against colonialism and imperialism.
        Inviting new members.
        Working with like-minded organisations and creating appropriate spaces for them in our structures.
        Convening a Congress before 31 March 2014 at which the organisation`s new thrust as a political party will be launched and a new leadership elected.
8.       That in view of the added responsibilities of the Taskforce, all persons who on this day, 28 September 2013, are members of regional committees,  are hereby elected into the Taskforce. In addition, the Special Congress also elected members of the planning committee   into the Taskforce and the full list of the interim Taskforce members will be made public at a later date.
9.       That we implement our long-standing resolution to pay membership fees, the first such fees being due for the period ending 31 December, 2013.

Friday 13 September 2013


The NCA is not surprised by the uninspiring, bloated Cabinet announced and sworn into office by President Mugabe. This lack of surprise comes from the NCA`s long-standing belief that without a democratic and people-driven constitution guiding the President of the day in terms of the quality and size of Cabinet,  Zimbabwe will remain under  an incompetent and unaccountable leadership.
President Mugabe’s selection of cabinet is an insult to the intelligence of the people of Zimbabwe.

We are gravely disappointed by the recycling of the same old, tried, tested and failed Ministers who have presided over the collapse of the economy and key state institutions since the country attained independence. The selection of cabinet Ministers should be based on merit and not on the basis of ‘close links’ to the President.

It is the NCA`s position that the occasion of Mugabe`s “new” Cabinet under the auspices of the COPAC Constitution must be used to demonstrate to all Zimbabweans the serious shortcomings of the current constitution which were raised by the NCA campaign for a NO vote. These are:
·        There is no limit in the Constitution on the number of Ministers. Mugabe has exploited that loophole to appoint over 63 Ministers and Deputy ministers. This is too big and too expensive for our country.
·        There is no time-limit within which the President must constitute a Cabinet. Mugabe used that loophole to take over three weeks to constitute his Cabinet. During that period, he was running the country alone.
·        There is no meaningful devolution. Mugabe has exploited the vague provisions to retain Provincial Governors. The COPAC drivers and the MDCs had told people during their “YES” campaign that the new Constitution had abolished the post of Provincial Governors.
·        There is no quota on female cabinet Ministers. Mugabe has exploited the vague provisions on gender to appoint only 8 out of 63 Ministers. The MDCs and some women`s groups had claimed during the “YES” campaign that the new Constitution guaranteed women equal representation in all state organs.
·        There is provision for the President to appoint up to 5 Ministers from outside Parliament. Mugabe has used this provision to appoint 5 Ministers from outside Parliament.
These illustrations show that the country still has no democratic and people-driven constitution. The NCA will continue to work towards a genuinely democratic and people-driven constitution.

In this regard, Mugabe`s new Cabinet must expect vigorous scrutiny from the NCA, which is already embarking on building a movement of the people focussing on ensuring that by 2018 Zimbabwe will have a competent alternative to the recycled Mugabe appointees.


Information Department

Monday 5 August 2013


 The NCA notes with satisfaction the peaceful atmosphere that characterised the period before, during and after the elections. All Zimbabweans have a responsibility to nurture this peaceful environment and desist from any actions which may directly or indirectly 
interfere with the peace prevailing in the country.
2.      The election results have been announced. There are winners and losers. Every election has its winners and losers. Given the peaceful nature of these elections and the compelling need to move our country forward, the NCA urges the losers to concede defeat and take the country out of the “permanent election mode” it has been for several years now.
3.      In urging the losers to concede defeat and let the country move on, the NCA is not losing sight of the continuing desire by the people of Zimbabwe to have democratic and genuinely free and fair elections. The history and record of the NCA speaks for itself. One of the key reasons why the NCA campaigned for a NO vote in the March 2013 referendum was the clear point that the proposed Constitution provided an insufficient framework for fair, transparent and credible elections. It is well known that the political parties in the inclusive government united in their campaign for a YES vote and hoodwinked the public.
4.      It is the NCA`s firm view that the complaints raised against the 31 July 2013 poll by the losers do not raise anything new and cannot be used as a basis for rejecting the results of an election in which they participated voluntarily. It is not desirable to encourage a state of affairs in our country where political parties participate in an election with only two scenarios: either they win or they dispute the result. Losing must always be one of the scenarios. In the circumstances of this particular election, the complaints must be taken into account for the next elections and for the reform agenda which remains very much incomplete.
5.      The NCA, on its part, is convinced that the votes cast on 31 July 2013 were the votes counted and announced. The NCA does not know the reasons for that pattern of voting. The essence of an electoral system based on a secret, one- person-one-vote is that each of the voters can only be sure about the vote he/she has cast. Provided that the votes have been cast freely, the result is binding. The way forward is to focus on moving the country forward while preparing for the next elections.
6.      The interests of this country require that we all move forward focussing on building the economy of country, deepening its democratic systems, promoting peace and unity and encouraging all of us to participate in the public affairs of our country. We should put the election behind us and take lessons for the future.
7.      The NCA wishes to commend ZEC for discharging its responsibilities diligently despite the severe constraints it faced.
                               Lovemore Madhuku, NCA Chairperson 5 August, 2013